1) How do I find out more about Earth Vision Enterprises, Inc. ?

Please see our contact information

2) What will Earth Station Attraction™ be? Will it be like Disney, Universal Studios or Sea World?

It will be much, much more. While offering innovative and never before experienced holographic and virtual reality encompassing adventures. It will be housed within one of the worlds new "wonders". Its landmark architectural structure will dwarf local area attractions. Its environmental themed components will educate, entertain and enlighten in a manner and presentation style never before seen. Representatives of affiliated environmental and humanitarian organizations will share their messages through EVE's non-profit affiliated arm…its United Earth Foundation.

3) How can someone or some organization become affiliated with EVE or ESA?

EVE is currently developing its team of affiliated organizations, as well as aligning and forging alliances with various supporting corporate entities. Funding and financing negotiations are currently underway. Joint venture partners continue to be sought by EVE to strengthen its foundation of core business investors.