Visitors to EVE's Earth Station Attraction ™, will also feel a sense of empowerment, knowing that portions of their entrance fees and retail purchase prices will be donated directly to the United Earth Foundation (UEF) to distribute to the not-for-profit environmental and humanitarian groups participating with ESA as sponsors. A portion of visitor fees will therefore, go directly to benefit our environment. Visitors will also know that ESA participates directly in a variety of projects that benefit the environment and man's relationship with nature. These projects will include:

1) Work in affiliation with ESA's UEF to coordinate activities of national and international environmental organizations, acting as a "United Nations" for environmental awareness.
2) National and international seminars and symposiums on environmental issues through affiliation with the United Earth Foundation.
3) Children/school environmental educational seminars and school tours or field trips.
4) Research and development endeavors through an arm of ESA, working in cooperation with national and international colleges, agencies, and organizations.
5) sponsorship of world-wide environmental and philanthropic events
The UEF will have either a corporate or contractual relationship with EVE to act as its coordinator of non-profit activities. As a not-for-profit corporation, UEF will have a separate Board of Directors recruited from outside of EVE. These individuals will be drawn from:

- Environmental groups
- Federal agencies
- Corporations
- Entertainment industry film and music industry stars
- Distinguished colleges and research centers
- Respected individuals in the environmental community
- School age child to represent the children of the world